編號 題目(中文) 題目(英文) 狀態
786 陶瓷/纖維混雜複材結構抗彈性能分析 Analysis of Ballistic Resistance of Ceramic/Hybrid Fabric Composite Structure 待刊登
789 分散型Co3O4製備及其在CO消除之應用 Fabrication of Dispersing Co3O4 and Application in the Elimination of Carbon Monoxide 待刊登
791 時變性海洋環境對峽谷區水下偵測效能之研究 Study of underwater detection performance in the canyon under time-varying marine environments 定稿中
801 後推型飛行器之逆流式進氣道設計與測試 Design and testing of a reversed intake for a turboprop engine on a subsonic pusher aircraft 作者修訂中
803 台灣地籍系統問題探討-由路徑依賴理論觀點分析 A path dependence perspective on the cadastral System in Taiwan 定稿中
804 智慧型手機小米 8 的擺放姿態對於RTK定位效能之影響 Impact caused by the attitudes of smartphone Mi 8 on real-time kinematic positioning 定稿中
805 基於智慧合約強化申訴系統安全性之研究 A Study on Strengthening the Security of Grievance System Based on Smart Contract 讓渡中
807 植基於多因子驗證之電子商務系統安全且新穎認證協定設計 Design of a Secure and Innovative Authentication Protocol for E-commerce Information System Using Multi-Factor Authentication 委員審查中
808 機器學習建構PM2.5時空模型之研究-以台中市為例 Construction PM2.5 Spatiotemporal Model Using Machine Learing in Taichung 作者修訂中
809 美軍槍彈發展趨勢對國造兵器創新機構應用之啟示 Enlightenment of the Development Trend of US Military Ammunition and Rifle to the Application of Innovative Institutions of Domestic Rifles 接受函呈核中
810 逆向工程在火砲推進劑成分分析中的應用:一個案例研究 Application of Chemical Reverse Engineering on Gun Propellant Composition Analysis: A Case Study 定稿中
811 應用超冷處理提升410不銹鋼狙擊槍管精度之研究 Application of Cryogenic Treatment to Enhance Target Accuracy of 410 Stainless Steel Sniper Rifle 綜合審查中
812 以光學平面波導損耗模態共振感測器平台偵測銀奈米粒子 Detection of Silver Nanoparticles by Optical Planar Waveguide Based Lossy Mode Resonance Sensor Platform 待刊登
813 無鉛起爆藥KDNBF形貌改良及應用效能之研究 Study on Morphology Improvement and Application Effect of Lead-free Primary Explosive KDNBF 綜合審查中
814 以技術文獻分析方式探討半導體科技之現況 Discussion on the Current Situation of Semiconductor Technology by Analyzing Method of Technical Literature 不適合刊登
815 應用人臉辨識機制於以AES為基加密機制之研究 A Study on AES-based Encryption Scheme with Face Recognition Mechanism 新進稿件
更新時間:2024/4/19 下午 15:55:00